The Danger of Amy Cooper’s Apology: When Privilege Inspires Selective Racism

Maya L, M.A.
3 min readMay 27, 2020

How a woman played innocent after knowingly weaponizing herself

Courtesy of Julian Myles | Unsplash

While the videos of Amy Cooper and George Floyd are going viral throughout the milieu of social media, many of us acknowledge how the correlation between Amy Cooper’s interaction with Christian Cooper can lead to a racially charged incident like George Floyd. But, there is something inherently more dangerous with Amy Cooper: what was said in her apology after her “distress” call went viral.

I’ve come to realize especially today that I think of [the police] as a protection agency, and unfortunately, this has caused me to realize that there are so many people in this country that don’t have that luxury. — Amy Cooper

Amy Cooper’s inclusion of this statement in her apology makes her, not only the physical person but equally those of her mindset, dangerous. Let’s set aside her race, for the moment, and while we’re at it, her gender. What is presented is a person in a multicultural and metropolitan environment that is rife with such tremendous diversity politically, socially, economically, academically, etc, and still lacks the cognition to understand racial…



Maya L, M.A.

I explore the intersectionality of race and culture from a humanistic lens. Host of The Renegade Professor Podcast.